Beacon Hill Pads has published an average rent price infographic together with Boston Pads, allowing anyone to get a closeup look of the apartment rental market in this historic and highly coveted Boston neighborhood.
Beacon Hill average rent prices were sourced using 236 local Beacon Hill apartments that have either been rented in the last year or are currently available. The Real time vacancy rate was determined by taking the total number of currently available apartments plus units that will become available in the next few months, and dividing by the total number of apartments in that area. The latest population and average income data was pulled directly from the United States Census Bureau.
According to this data, the average rent price in Beacon Hill for a studio apartment is the highest of any neighborhood in the city: $1801. The Symphony/Northeastern neighborhood was a close second at $1800/month. In nearby Back Bay, studio apartments average $1750 per month, while a North End studio apartment will cost you $1,570/month. Beacon Hill averages are very similar to average rent prices in Back Bay as well as average rent prices in North End:
Studio |
$1801.57 |
$1715.34 |
$1570.50 |
1 Bedroom |
$2433.63 |
$2444.46 |
$2247.45 |
2 Bedroom |
$2841.87 |
$3196.41 |
$2934.42 |
3 Bedroom |
$4085.84 |
$3919.28 |
$3905.67 |
Compared to the other 22 areas sampled, Beacon Hill is one of the most expensive places to live in Greater Boston. It currently ranks highest for studio apartments, 2nd highest for 1 bedroom and 3 bedroom apartments, and 5th highest for 2 bedroom apartments.
Given its limited inventory, low vacancy rates and its prime location next to downtown, it’s no wonder why rents are so high in this neighborhood. That reality is reflected in the median household income, which in Beacon Hill is $90,347.
About Beacon Hill Pads
If you’re a landlord or a renter looking for more data on Beacon Hill, or other neighborhoods in the Boston area, you can speak to live phone operators every day from 10AM to 6PM. You’ll have access to exceptional amounts of data on any rental market in Greater Boston so you can learn about the current prices of apartments in any neighborhood, vacancy rates, optimizing your rental and more.
Beacon Hill Pads uses this unique data to help local landlords set the best prices for their apartments, fine tuning their rental income and minimizing vacancy time.
Sourced from New England’s largest real-time rental database, Boston Pads also helps to ensure landlords get the best marketing coverage for their listings which are syndicated to all of the following platforms:
- National platforms such as Trulia, Craigslist, and Zillow
- 100+ Local social media pages on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
- Over 80 locally optimized real estate listing websites
With the most comprehensive marketing coverage and the most recent data, Boston Pads has helped real estate offices utilizing their technologies to become the largest apartment leasing team in the region. Their technology is scalable and can immediately go to work in any market. Any landlord, property manager or agency can utilize their technology to streamline marketing efforts, procure more tenants and gain an advantage on their competition.
To see average prices for more towns in the Greater Boston area, check out our interactive infographic on average rent prices in Boston broken down by each town.